Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hybrid spec follow up

Follow up to: Hybrid Spec Info

In my continual display of indecisiveness, I have changed my potential end game spec a bit again. This spec was developed taking into consideration what I mentioned in the last post about comatose, and in this case, scatter foes.

The plan here was to take about 10 points out of the Berserker tree and transfer them to Reaver to further enhance the damage output and increase the Bleed (DoT) damage. Theoretically the bleeds, along with Rupture Armor, should help us out a bit with the higher HP classes, bleed em down.

Here's the build:

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Anonymous said...

Looks good, although personally I would take some points out of insanity and unstable mind and put them into Armageddon falls and lure.

Also, looking again at overpower - I think it might be worth it considering how often you are using spirit of the panther at level 40 it increases my evade by 12%. Though i suppose for end game you wont be getting hit.

Gokex said...

Well, there's only one point in unstable mind, and I got one in lure. Just enough to be able to have each, I've heard Armageddon is a little weak.

As far as overpower goes.. I still dont think we evade enough, even with PI. Could be worth trying though, if you do let me know how it works out!